NJ Diva Girl

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    Tuesday, August 02, 2005

    The Box

    I finally got a chance to clean out the monster closet I had been trying to clean out for longer than I care to share. WHEW! It feels good to finally have that sucker cleared out. Before I could even get started good, I noticed a box way in the back of the closet. I pulled it out. Inside the box I found a bib, a small blankie, some little baby clothes, a pair of tiny shoes, a blue and white pacifier and even a pair of denim maternity pants. There were pictures from my wedding and of a friend who had passed away. There was a zipped lock bag containing a stack of newspaper clippings from some of my theatre performances. Also inside the box was an entire Star-Ledger newspaper dated January 12, 1991. The front page in very bold letters read: OPERATION DESERT STORM! Under the newspaper was a bag containing over a hundred love letters addressed to yours truly. I placed everything back inside the box and set it to the side. Why had I kept these things? I continued to clear out the closet. I threw out some old clothes along with an old broken Singer sewing machine. When everything was to my liking I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally! The monster closet was in order! When I turned around, I saw "the box". I gently picked it up and placed it in its proper place, right in the back of the closet where it would remain until my next closet cleaning adventure.


    At 8/03/2005 9:56 AM, Blogger Diva (in Demand) said...

    I think that's really special to have a box like that and just to keep it around for the sake of the memories.


    At 8/03/2005 2:25 PM, Blogger Luke Cage said...

    Hey luv. Very nice job. I kept all of the rejection letters that I'd ever received from comicbook companies and editor's of books. There's no rhyme or reason around it. For me, it's the motivation of being rejected that I gain my strength from. It sounds weird, but it is what it is dear. The next closet cleaning will be quite interesting indeed....


    At 8/04/2005 8:59 AM, Blogger Don Tate II said...

    Cleaning the closet, huh? First I thought we might be headed for an R. Kelley continuation of the story. Glad not.


    At 8/04/2005 8:43 PM, Blogger NjDivaGirl said...

    Simply - I can't seem to throw that darn box away.

    Luke - That's a good way to look at it...keep it as motivation to serve as a reminder on what to do and what not to do :-)

    Don - LOL ...skeletons trapped in the closet...


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